1st Place: “To The Blueberry-Picking Festival” by Gretchen Burch, D2
2ndPlace: “middling paper” by April Pameticky, D5
3rd Place: “Sitting With The Cottonwoods” by Kelly Johnston, D5
Honorable Mention: “Firewatch” by Kelly Johnston, D5
Honorable Mention: “Sometimes now, words escape me” by Iris E. Craver, D2
1st Place: “Sixteen” by Gretchen Burch, D2
2nd Place: “Scars” by Judy Oliver, D5
3rd Place: Home of the Brave(s) by Julie Ann Baker Brin, D5
Honorable Mention: “Ekphrastic Mother/ Daughter Collaboration” by K. L. Barron, writer (D4) and Shawnee Barron (photographer)
Honorable Mention: “Itty Bitty Bio” by Jean Grant, D2
Honorable Mention: “Leaving” by Brenda White, D2
Honorable Mention: “On Speaking with My Brother Who is Dying” by Jeanice Eagan Davis, D5
Honorable Mention: “thursday in the shadow of kesoo” by April Pameticky, D5
1st Place: “salt” by April Pameticky, D5
2nd Place: “High Plains Childhood: Spirits” by Janice Lee McClure, D7
3rd Place: “Eclipse” by Julie A. Sellers, D1
Honorable Mention: “you dreamed so hard it felt like permanence” by April Pameticky, D5
Honorable Mention: “Planting” by Arlice W. Davenport, D5
Honorable Mention: “Kansas is Burning” by Jeanice Eagan Davis, D5
Honorable Mention” “Fossils” by Kelly Johnston, D5
1st Place: “Ghost” by Janice Lee McClure, D7
2nd Place: “Frozen Rain” by Janice Lee McClure, D7
3rd Place: “Wild At Heart” by Janice Lee McClure, D7
No HMs
1st Place: “Music Lessons” by Gretchen Burch, D2
2nd Place: “Sick as Dogs” by Samantha L. Barrett, D5
3rd Place: “Circus” by Gretchen Burch, D2
Honorable Mention: “Permission” by Gretchen Burch, D2
Honorable Mention: “Polka Dots” by Cynthia Schaker, D5

1st Place: “Rebel with a Cause” by Janice Lee McClure, D5
2nd Place: “The King at the Door” by Arlice W. Davenport, D5
3rd Place: “Vultures” by Kristine A. Polansky, D4
Honorable Mention: “Dog in the Sun” by Arlice W. Davenport, D5
Honorable Mention: “What a Maroon!” by Arlice W. Davenport, D5
1st Place: “Oh, Sweet Canada” by Kristine A. Polansky, D4
2nd Place: “Swept” by Julie Ann Baker Brin, D5
3rd Place: “Mountain Haiku” by Jeanice Eagan Davis, D5
Honorable Mention: “Summer Night” by Aimee L. Gross, D1
Honorable Mention: “Mists Silence the Trees” by Kristine A. Polansky, D4
1st place: "What I Hate About Living in the Country" by Gretchen Burch, D2
2nd place: "Hay Work" by Tim Keane, D4
3rd place: "Turning 7 in March" by Ashley Clayton Kay, D2
Honorable mention: "High Plains Childhood: Summer" by Janice Lee McClure, D7
Honorable mention: "Sledding in the Flatlands” by Jeanice Eagan Davis, D5
1st, Published chapbook: Picking Fights in Book Club by Beth Gulley, D2
1st, Craft chapbook: faux pas: goofs, gaffes & other blunders by Martha Wherry, D5