More Than an Attractive Face, set in 1837 Indiana, follows the journey of Elizabeth Spaulding as she flees her privileged life in New York to supporting herself in a frontier town. The reason for Elizabeth’s departure from a life of comfort was an arranged marriage to a pompous man. She vowed that she’d never be a pretty thing on any man’s arm. For a man to be worth her time, he must appreciate her personality and her mind. This ideal is challenged several times as she faces finding a way to support herself, unfair domination, and a physical attack. The Hadley family support and protect her through the difficulties.
More Than an Attractive Face is the first book in the Hadley Hope Series. Each book contains a complete story but enriches the story in the previous book. The second book in the series, More Than a Little Turmoil, set in 1854-55 explores family tragedy, the protection of fugitive slaves, and the opening of Kansas Territory. This second book is scheduled for release this summer.
Currently, More Than an Attractive Face is available on Amazon in paperback and ebook format. In the middle of February, it will also be available on Audible.
For more information about Sandra Lou Taylor check out sandraloutaylor.com or her FaceBook page @SandraLouTaylorWrites.