2017 KAC Youth Contest Winners
Grades 3-4
1st Charlotte Bostock, Wichita The Legend of Dot’s Donut Shop
2nd Ava Rash, Circleville Baxter the Bunny
3rd Raghvi Sethi, Hesston The Mystery of the Disappearing Children
HM Terrance Bottom, Soldier The Lost Girl
HM Jenna Joiner, Holton Poseidon and Athena’s Rivalry
Grades 5-6
1st Morgan Rae Sinsel, Augusta Infestation
2nd Nicholas Scott Cole Welcome to the World of Pokémon…
3rd Olivia Ann Cheatham, McPherson ICE Girl
HM Rahul Madhavan, Wichita Manuel’s Adventure
HM Morgan Sinsel, Augusta The Schoolhouse
Grades 7-8
1st Elizabeth Fawl, Topeka Dark Flames
2nd Mary Hudak, Overland Park Chocolate Cake
3rd Sonya Doubledee, Topeka Uphill
Grades 9-12
1st Leann Trout, Independence The Tormentor’s Façade
2nd Amanda Trout, Independence A Heart of Gold
3rd Amanda Trout, Independence The Road Less Traveled Sets You Free
HM Leann Trout, Independence The Last Petal
Grades 3-4
1st Makinley Jace Mulroy, Holton Jackie Robinson
2nd Nithish Varun Aravinthan, Wichita How Orca Whales Hunt
3rd Kade Holliday, Soldier The Mustangs of the Wild West
HM Savannah Cattrell, Holton Is Your Mom a Superhero?
HM Savannah Cattrell, Holton I Participated in Play Night
Grades 5-6
1st Olivia Cheatham, McPherson Untitled
2nd John Bajaj, New Canaan, CT My Snow Day Adventure
3rd Samuel Houston, McPherson Four Wheelers
HM John Bajaj, New Canaan, CT My Day at the Acropolis
Grades 7-8
1st Molli Christensen, Topeka The Race Against Fear
2nd Mary Hudak, Overland Park Different Dogs
3rd Tyler Norsworthy, Topeka A Good Man in Evil Times
Grades 9-12
1st Vasuma Chaparala, Wichita A Lifetime of Diaries
2nd Amanda Trout, Independence The Power of Perspective: An Essay on the Effects of the Industrial Revolution
3rd Vasuma Chaparala, Wichita Thomas Hart Benton’s “The Hailstorm”:
A Critique
Grades 3-4
1st Ruby Mueller, Garden City Diablo
2nd Ava Elise Eeg, Overland Park Nature’s Story
3rd Nithish Varun Aravinthan, Wichita A Rose
HM Raghvi Sethi, Hesston Winter
HM Jenna Elaine Joiner, Holton The Ocean
HM Taylor Nichole Bosley, Netawaka Butterflies
HM Jenna Elaine Joiner, Holton Peanut Butter
HM Makinley Jace Mulroy, Holton Softball vs. Gymnastics
HM Savannah Cattrell, Holton Missy
Grades 5-6
1st Morgan Rae Sinsel, Augusta The Truth
2nd Morgan Rae Sinsel, Augusta Bats for Brunch
3rd Rahul Madhavan, Wichita Eagle
HM John Bajaj, New Canaan, CT Hades
HM Hannah Erickson, McPherson Point of No Return
Grades 7-8
1st Hope Oswald, Topeka The Girl on the Bus
2nd Sophie Bajaj, New Canaan, CT The Beach
3rd Remington Stiles, Topeka I Am
HM Anne Brandon, Topeka I Gave it a Room
HM Molly Peterson, Topeka bloom
Grades 9-12
1st Jillian Grace Dunlay, Overland Park A Thing Lost
2nd Jillian Grace Dunlay, Overland Park Forgotten Blue
3rd Trudy Heinrichs, Montezuma Bedside Miracles
HM Renee Trout, Independence Arachno’s Phobia
HM Renee Trout, Independence Snickers Satisfies
HM Amanda Trout, Independence Perspective
HM Anna Hurley, Olathe Beginning to Bloom