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Pay online with a credit card ($2 convenience fee added)
mail a check (instructions below).
mail a check (instructions below).
Pay your membership fee using the "Pay Now" button OR mail a check (instructions below).
Optional payment method:
Mail Check payable to "Kansas Authors Club"
PO BOX 333
Emporia, KS 66801
Adult Membership: $35.00
Junior Membership (Student through age of 25): $10.00
Family Membership: $50.00 (a family is defined as a couple living in the same household or a couple or single parent with children up to age 18 who wish to be listed as KAC members)
Example: Jones Family = Bob, Dee, Jack, Jill
Library Membership: $35.00
Business Membership: $35.00
Mail Check payable to "Kansas Authors Club"
PO BOX 333
Emporia, KS 66801
Adult Membership: $35.00
Junior Membership (Student through age of 25): $10.00
Family Membership: $50.00 (a family is defined as a couple living in the same household or a couple or single parent with children up to age 18 who wish to be listed as KAC members)
Example: Jones Family = Bob, Dee, Jack, Jill
Library Membership: $35.00
Business Membership: $35.00
View this page for an explanation of membership categories and benefits.