MEET Our MEmbers
Website Tip: On the "News for All Members" page found in the site navigation menu, there is a list of member names (right column of the page if you are viewing from a desktop or laptop). Clicking on an individual's name will give you a view of the history of that member's Kansas Authors Club news items.
Links to our "News for All Members" category that features new book announcements by members. If you have book news to announce, submit it via our "Submit News" form.
The Welcome Wagon (since 2020) comes courtesy of Cheryl Unruh, D2 member. Cheryl volunteered to connect with each new member, offering them the opportunity to introduce themselves via our "News for All Members" page. This button links to a compilation of those entries.
Links to our "News for All Members" category that features an introduction to those who volunteer each year to make this organization possible.