Pay online with a credit card ($2 convenience fee added)
mail a check (instructions below).
mail a check (instructions below).
There are two steps to becoming a member.
1. Complete the "Register Here" form. Note that your membership is not complete until you have completed the form and made payment.
2. Pay your membership fee using the "Pay Now" button OR mail a check (instructions below).
Optional payment method:
Mail Check payable to "Kansas Authors Club"
PO BOX 333
Emporia, KS 66801
Adult Membership: $35.00
Junior Membership (Student through age of 25): $10.00
Family Membership: $50.00 (a family is defined as a couple living in the same household or a couple or single parent with children up to age 18 who wish to be listed as KAC members)
Example: Jones Family = Bob, Dee, Jack, Jill
Library Membership: $35.00
Business Membership: $35.00
Mail Check payable to "Kansas Authors Club"
PO BOX 333
Emporia, KS 66801
Adult Membership: $35.00
Junior Membership (Student through age of 25): $10.00
Family Membership: $50.00 (a family is defined as a couple living in the same household or a couple or single parent with children up to age 18 who wish to be listed as KAC members)
Example: Jones Family = Bob, Dee, Jack, Jill
Library Membership: $35.00
Business Membership: $35.00
View this page for an explanation of membership categories and benefits.