Contact Person:
Sheryl Brenn
892 County Road O
Levant, KS 67743
News Release:
District 7 of the Kansas Authors Club is sponsoring a writing contest for all writers, 18 and older, living in Kansas or members of KAC living in another state. The contest runs from May 1 to August 15, 2020. You do NOT need to be a member of District 7 to enter the contest.
Writers should follow the Literary Contest rules on page 68 of the 2019 KAC Yearbook or can find these rules at
The theme of the contest is “Writing (riding) Across Kansas”. Writers of Prose or Poetry are encouraged to follow the theme but do not have to adhere to it.
The fee for each entry is $5.00, Only typed copies will be accepted: do not send via e-mail. Prizes in the amount of $25, $15 and $10 will be awarded to first, second, and third place winners in both prose and poetry. Honorable Mention in each category will receive certificates.
Send entries to: Sheryl Brenn, 892 County Road O, Levant, KS, 67743 phone 785-586-2384. If you’d like your submissions returned, send a self addressed stamped envelope with the appropriate postage. You may send all your submissions in one envelope. Include a cover sheet listing your name and contact information. Do NOT have your name on your prose or poetry submission pages.