Outstanding Memories
Shoshanna Aaliyah is the teenage author of the acclaimed children's book, Tobias' Travels. It's notable as the first book ever written and illustrated by two teens. Her publishing debut was in 2018 with In the Shadow of a Man of Kansas, featured in the short story collection, Free Time Tales. Her newest story, Ablaze, can be found in the recent Free Time Tales from Outer Space.
Karis Ens is the author of the Piano Boy series of children's books including Neighborhood Hero, Teacher's Hero, and Sidetrack Mission. Her work as a piano teacher has inspired these comical stories with a new release coming this year. Her first book was in 2016 with the autobiographical God is Real (So is the Devil). Her latest children's book, A Girl and Her Cat, tells the true story of her beloved cat, Pepper.
Jared Vaughn launched his publishing company, Time Honored Productions, in 2017 with his first book, The Longest Time. It was followed by the Free Time Tales short story series and the sequel, Another Time. THP also publishes Shoshanna, Karis, and Lynn Main. He is currently writing the third Time book and will soon develop The Longest Time into a Roku series