Our guest speakers, Glendyn Buckley and Barbara Waterman-Peters, will share with us their journey of writing and illustrating children's books. They are both KACD1 members who will join us virtually from Topeka.
Glennie is the author of Ting & The Canterbury Tales. It's her third collaboration with Barbara Waterman-Peters. Two prior books are The Fish’s Wishes (in its third printing), 2015; and Bird in 2017.
Barbara has illustrated several books, including BACI: A Mind-Altering Cat, and THE COLLECTIVE @25, both of which she also wrote and designed; in addition, she has created book cover art and illustrations for several authors and anthologies, and illustrated a coloring book for the Kansas Dental Association. She collaborated with poet Dennis Etzel, Jr. on his project and book, Two Ponders: A Collaboration. Together with Glendyn Buckley, she formed Pen & Brush Press after the success of their first children’s book, The Fish’s Wish’s (KNEA Recommended Reading List.) Their second book, Bird, won the Kansas Authors Club Children’s Book Award in 2019. Ting & the Canterbury Tales is their third book and is inspired by actual cats who’ve owned the authors.
If you're a current KAC D6 member, you're also invited to join us an hour earlier for a D6 Board Meeting on Zoom. (We'll use the same Zoom link for both meetings.) As we've done previously, well end the board meeting no later than 1:15 p.m. in order to give us time to take a break and to prepare for our guest speakers.
The Board is always talking about our future, and we have some neat plans, so join us again with your ideas.
If you haven't heard, at the end of this year, Jim & Alex Potter will not be running for reelection as members of the D6 Board. Alex & I are pleased to have dedicated our service to improving D6 the last 2 1/2 years, and we look forward to stepping back and giving others an opportunity to make a difference.
By announcing our intention now, this will give D6 members an opportunity to consider becoming a Board candidate prior to our election on November 26, 2022.
If you have any questions about the duties of our Board members, I encourage you to contact one of us and show up at D6 Board meetings.