Evie has been a member of Kansas Authors Club since 2000. She has served as the Youth Contest Manager for the state (2004) and has District 1 Vice President.

Yvonne "Evie" Green of District 1 to be published in upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul book6/30/2021
Evie Green has received word that her essay will be published in My Hilarious, Heroic, Human Dog: 101 Tales of Canine Companionship, a Chicken Soup for the Soul book due to be published in September 2021. Evie has been a member of Kansas Authors Club since 2000. She has served as the Youth Contest Manager for the state (2004) and has District 1 Vice President. ![]() If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. ![]() All Members are Invited to Attend! Lisa Hase-Jackson will draw on her expertise as a writing coach to share tips on best writing practices and what errors to avoid during District 3's next monthly meeting on Saturday, July 3. The program will begin at 10 a.m. *** Lisa M. Hase-Jackson’s debut collection of poetry, Flint and Fire, was selected by Jericho Brown for the 2019 Hilary Tham Capital Collection Series, an imprint of The Word Works in Washington DC. She holds an MFA in poetry from Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and a MA in English from Kansas State University. A full-time writing coach and workshop facilitator, Lisa is Editor in Chief of South 85 Journal and founding editor of Zingara Poetry Review. Email President Duane Johnson to request Zoom Link for Attendance.
Today I have the pleasure of introducing Alisa Branham of Lawrence to the group.
Name: Alisa Branham Town: Lawrence, KS What kind of writing do you do? I write a lot in my position at KU and both of my degrees are in Art History, a writing discipline. I write every day and look forward to having more time to focus on personal projects after I retire in 2022. I have a massive library at home and I’m interested in a wide range of topics, particularly history, design, genealogy and travel. What writing projects have you completed or are currently working on? Right now I’m working on a cookbook for inexperienced cooks of all ages. For years I’ve been gathering ideas for historical fiction based on genealogy research. Both of my grandmothers were fascinating women - not stereotypical "grandmothers” - and a recent discovery through Ancestry DNA has added a surprising twist to one story. Eventually, I want to write the immigration story of my Scots-Irish Irvine family, not in the form of a traditional genealogy but as an engaging story of daily life and how culture travels over time. Do you have a website or a facebook page that you'd like us to share with other KAC members? No. I just have personal pages on social media, but they aren’t aimed at writing. Is there anything else you’d like other KAC members to know about you? My husband, a longtime KU Professor, died 3 weeks before COVID hit, so it’s been a long year of isolation and reflection. Words have been pouring out of me in a form I’m calling “poetry” – I suspect the poets in this group would not agree! But I’m interested in learning about poetry too. What would you like to gain from your membership with the Kansas Authors Club? I hope to meet other writers and learn from you! I’m a good editor and would be happy to read or edit the writing of other members as I have time. I hope to contribute to the 2022 conference; I’m outgoing, well-organized and experienced with large events. [Posted by Cheryl Unruh] No Mercy From Crows, Mage of Merced Volume II is available on Amazon in ebook and print format, as well as on Kindle Unlimited.
Following Judian Lebannen’s Coming of Age in debut novel If Crows Know Best, the young mage sets sail to parts unknown. He is pursued by a sinister cabal who seeks revenge—and he finds the cost of eluding them grows ever steeper. Early reviewers found the story “gripping” and recommend the novel for fans of Le Guin’s Earthsea Trilogy. The link for the ebook is: http://www.amzn.com/B094MF49TL Number 91 of the Hawai'i Review, published by the Universtiy of Hawai'i at Manoa, has just been released. It features six poems by Duane L. Herrmann, D1 member, dealing with the loss of his Native heritage. He is the second most prominent author in that issue. His poems are: Not Evident, p.76; Fire Tender, p.77; I Am…., p.78; Hidden in Plain Sight, p.79; Stolen Children, p.80; Humanity in Process, 81. This Saturday at 1 p.m. the District 1 zoom meeting will feature a veteran voice talent/author/editor talking to members about the pros and cons of doing your own narrations of audiobooks.
His presentation this Saturday starts with the question, “Should you narrate your own audiobook?” He will explore the types of books that should be narrated by the author and those for which a professional should be hired. He will then recommend a narration test to help the author determine if he or she has the stamina to narrate a book. “Then we explore the audiobook creation process, costs and options for working in a studio or creating an in-home studio, and end with some recommendations for online research,” says Craig. And he should know. On the strength of his voice alone, Craig started his career as a radio announcer in 1978. After three years in radio, he went on to do TV and radio commercials as a part-time addition to his business writing career. He has also done training film narration. Anyone wishing to join in the district meeting may get a link by emailing D-1 President Anne Spry prior to the meeting Saturday. All Proceeds from D2 member Craig Feigh's New Book: If I Had Ten Dollars are going to Make a Wish in Missouri and Kansas, through August 1st, for Lea - read more about her here! You can help now - by buying the book! If I Had Ten Dollars, by Craig Feigh
It wasn't that long ago that having ten dollars to spend, as a child, seemed like a lot of money. If this were the case today, what would our children do, wish, enjoy, dream, or buy with a small financial windfall? IF I HAD TEN DOLLARS delightfully answers some of these questions.
From the author and illustrator of the popular Little Bit & Big Byte series and Qwerty, The Forgotten Typewriter comes a classic Children's Picture book about our wishes and desires and what truly makes us happy. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a prose poem titled "Spacemen" in the new June issue of MacQueen's Quinterly. "Spacemen" originally appeared in Flint Hills Review and is collected in Dean's book "At the Lake With Heisenberg." Clare MacQueen graciously asked to reprint the piece for her June issue. A link to the poem appears here: MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Spacemen
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 AT 7 PM CDT Turning Plow Press Reading D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is joining two Oklahoma poets, Don Stinson and Hank Jones, for the first Turning Plow Press reading. Dean, Stinson & Jones are the first authors published by the new indie press Turning Plow Press, based in Ringwood, Ok, and founded by Paul Bowers. Join us for a sampling of what this new press has to offer. This reading was rescheduled from its original date in May. The link to the Face Book event page is below. From the event page, click on the registration link to receive the Zoom link for the reading, and please be sure to check "going." We hope to see you there! Turning Plow Press Reading ![]() If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is joining two Oklahoma poets, Don Stinson and Hank Jones, for the first Turning Plow Press reading. Dean, Stinson & Jones are the first authors published by the new indie press Turning Plow Press, based in Ringwood, Ok, and founded by Paul Bowers. Join us for a sampling of what this new press has to offer. This reading was rescheduled from its original date in May. The link to the Face Book event page is below. From the event page, click on the registration link to receive the Zoom link for the reading, and please be sure to check "going." We hope to see you there!
Turning Plow Press Reading June Author Talk: Grant Overstake The Real Education of TJ Crowley Winner: 2019 J. Donald & Bertha Coffin Memorial Book Award Winner: 2019 "It Looks Like a Million" Design Award Recording Available for Viewing by Members - Click Here Come get answers from the guy who knows about indie publishing! Grant will be answering questions about writing, book production, and marketing! He'll be talking about successes, as well as pitfalls to avoid. Join us live on Tuesday, June 22, to get the most from this excellent program! Learn more at www.grantoverstake.com "The historical moment portrayed in this YA novel makes it a compelling book for our time. This read takes us back to 1968 and the divisions of the country around the Viet Nam war, racial conflict, and civil rights. Wichita becomes a character in its own right as the segregated city begins bussing of black students to white schools, riots and a tense police force result in curfews, and the Fair Housing Law forces integration. Against this background, TJ Crowley begins 7th grade. When his father abandons the family and his older brother enlists in the army, his alcoholic mother spins out of control.
"The short chapters and quick pace of the story involve the reader effortlessly in TJ’s life. Descriptions of his best friend’s experiments with growing his hair, tie dyed clothing, and drugs are a realistic backdrop. The upheaval of TJ’s home when a black family moves in next door and his mother invites friends from her past to handle the problem make junior high that much more complicated. TJ’s point of view is perfectly reflected in his drive to make it onto sports teams, his crush on the new girl next door, and his adolescent concern with finding his locker. As TJ learns to question things he’s never questioned before, the reader sees a piece of Kansas history that shows not just how things have changed but how many things haven’t changed. Grant Overstake has given us a book that reads easily while not being easy to forget at all." Kim Rutter, Judge Today, we are delighted to welcome another new member: Krystal Yegon of Topeka.
Name: Krystal Yegon Town: Topeka, Kansas What kind of writing do you do? Fiction What writing projects have you completed or are currently working on? Currently working on what I think is a noir that I've been working on for some years. Trying to finish it finally. Is there anything else you’d like other KAC members to know about you? I'm not a professional writer and I'm unpublished, but I've enjoyed the craft since adolescence, and try to get better at it in time. What would you like to gain from your membership with the Kansas Authors Club? A writing community that can help me improve and I can eventually serve them at some point. [cu] Today we have the joy of welcoming a new member from Woodson County (D-3) to the Kansas Authors Club: Chari Bauman (penname: Adelaide Bauman).
Name: Chari Bauman (pen name Adelaide Bauman) Town: Woodson County What kind of writing do you do? I write children's books, as well as poetry and sometimes short stories. What writing projects have you completed or are currently working on? I recently self-published Zara the Zebu, a children's book about a girl and her new miniature zebu calf. I have pet miniature zebu (a type of miniature cattle), so this project was a way for me to give something back to everyone who loves zebu, and to help others learn about them, too. The book is also meant to share the beauty of the Flint Hills with others. We live on the edge of this magnificent area of Kansas, and the illustrations within the book showcase a little of the beauty we see every day. I have more book ideas waiting for attention, but I'm not sure when I'll begin work on them. Do you have a website or a facebook page that you'd like us to share with other KAC members? You can find information about miniature zebu, my book, and my photography at the following website: https://cabigailphotography.com/adelaide-bauman-author - I also have a Facebook page and Instagram account under my pen name Adelaide Bauman. Is there anything else you’d like other KAC members to know about you? I have been through the whole self-publishing process - from storyboarding my book, to finding an illustrator and working with her, to creating the PDF files for publishing and working through the proofing process. If anyone in KAC is looking for advice or a discussion about what it was like, I'm happy to discuss it. What would you like to gain from your membership with the Kansas Authors Club? I hope to make some new connections with others who enjoy writing - it's fun to connect with people and you never know what good might come from those connections. I would also love the opportunity to sell my book at local Kansas bookstores - it's only available through me or Cornerstone Bakery in Yates Center currently, but I would love to see it in other places, too! If this group or anyone in it can help with that, I would be so grateful. Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me! D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a poem in the new issue of Sheila-Na-Gig online. Check it out here, and be sure to browse the rest of the issue. This is Dean's first attempt with this publication, and he encourages all poets to try them. He says the editor, Hayley Mitchell Haugen, is a joy to work with. ![]() If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Recording Available for Viewing by Members - Click Here Come get answers from the guy who knows about indie publishing! Grant will be answering questions about writing, book production, and marketing! He'll be talking about successes, as well as pitfalls to avoid. Grant is the winner of the 2019 J. Donald Coffin Memorial Book Award and the "It Looks Like a Million" Design Award. Join us live on Tuesday, June 22, to get the most from this excellent program! Learn more at www.grantoverstake.com Invitation extended to members and those considering membership in Kansas Authors Club ![]() The author of two award-winning indie novels, Wichita native Grant Overstake began a notable journalism career at age 18 as a parttime reporter for The Wichita Eagle. He graduated from the University of Kansas journalism school where he won the William Randolph Hearst Award, considered the Pulitzer Prize for college journalists. At age 24, he joined The Miami Herald, a paper that shaped many best-selling authors. Grant returned to the Sunflower State to edit weekly papers in Johnson City, Oswego, and Hillsboro, Kansas, earning numerous KPA Awards. Grant’s first novel, Maggie Vaults Over the Moon (CreateSpace 2012) was named National Book of the Week by Publishers Weekly. The audiobook was performed by Audie Award-winner Tavia Gilbert. Maggie recently was named one of the best track and field novels of all time by Citius Mag. The story was reissued by Grain Valley Publishing as a new title on June 1, 2021, with a new foreword by Olympic Champion Katerina Stefanidi, and chapter questions by sport psychologist, English teacher and coach, Dr. Melissa White. The Real Education of TJ Crowley (Grain Valley Publishing 2018) was picked to be a Candid Conversations Book Club selection by the Wichita Public Library and was the recipient of the J. Donald and Bertha Coffin Memorial Book Award for the best Kansas book, as well as the “It Looks Like a Million” Design Award for the same title from the Kansas Authors Association at its annual convention. It was the first time that a novel won both top awards. Grain Valley Publishing Company produces award-winning books with teams of freelance editors and designers working virtually from around the nation; publishing through the digital printing and distribution platform, IngramSpark. |
How to Submit News:
If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Categories
February 2025