Duane is a member from Topeka.
In the month of December, Duane had two responses posted to the weekly prompts of the Adirondack Center for Writing, a poem (Summer Pleasure?) posted by Written Tales, two stories posted by Chewers (words that need to be carefully savored), and he found three of his poems posted on the Green Acre Archives. Duane is a member from Topeka. If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form.
November Writing News A memoir, entitled "Gift Conspiracy" was published in 105 Meadowlark Reader, #8. Three short stories: "Devon Tried," "The Family House," and "Foreign Found Home," were published online in: Chewers, MasticadoresUSA and the anthology: Catching Lightening Bugs in a Jar. And six poems were published in five places: "We Are All God's Poems," in an anthology of the same title; "Farm Work" in Craigardan #9, "Homestead Reflections" in Poetry Festival, "That One Night" was reprinted on the site: Truth Power Telling, and Wishbone Words posted "Mind vs Brain" and "Swinging Time." And, Duane learned an anthology, entitled: Cadence, in which he has three poems, is a finalist for the American Writing Awards. His short story: "Missing Mother," has been nominated for Best of the Net, and his poem: "Standing Alone," published in Trees and Me, has been nominated for a Pushcart. He is amazed!!! Congratulations, Duane!
In October, a short story by Duane L. Herrmann, "Child's Work," was posted on MasticadoresUSA, and a short memoir, "Haunted Ruins," was posted by the Adirondack Center for Writing. A poem, "Lonely School," was published in, Rushing Through the Dark, by Choeofpleirn Press, another, "How to Eat a Book," was published by Bookends Review, and six were posted at The Short of It/I Write Her. Congratulations, Duane!
In September 2024 Spillwords, Bookends Rev, and Poetry Festival each posted one poem. King Fisher Poetry Forum 2 posted three, and The Literary Yard posted five. The anthologies: Speak Easy Poets printed three poems, Minute Musings published two, and Gathering Poetry published one. The Adirondack Center for Writing posted his response to a weekly prompt. Funds for Writers posted an account of the life of his story, 'Missing Mother,' that has been nominated for: 'Best of the Net.' The summer issue of The Harnisch Acre published his short short story: 'Secret in Time,' and Canvas Rebel posted an interview with Herrmann.
Because I was gone part of July, I've combined July & Aug together. In that time the Adirondack Center for Writing posted two poems and three memoirs of mine in response to their weekly prompts. The Origami Poetry Project accepted and posted: Trees and Me, a micro chapbook of my poems, using a photo I took of my tree for the cover. It, along with several others, is available to download and print for free from their website. A short story: Teaching Polywogs, was posted by Lothlorian Poetry Journal, the second of my stories there. Individual poems were posted by Dashboard Horus and Five Fleas. A few other poems and stories were accepted for publication in the next few months. Most surprisingly, one story: Missing Mother, was nominated for Best of the Net. I'd thought it was a good story and I'd sent it out several times. When I looked at my Submission Log, I discovered that I first sent it out in 2014 to forty-nine different places until Masticadores USA accepted and posted it this spring. WOW!!! And, my ninth book of poetry: Into the Wind was released, as well as a collection of short stories: Exaltation: Stories of Spiritual Adventure. Both are/will be available on Amazon. f you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. His poem: "Words and Wind" was accepted to be part of the written word exhibition at the Arts Connect gallery in Topeka entitled: "Blooming in the Noise of the Whirlwind" for the months of June and July.
Heron Clan, anthology eleven, contined two of his poems: "Book Launch" and "My Slave Brothers." No Country Literary Journal posted his poem: "Grieving For..." The Adirondack Center for Writing posted his poem: "My Children I See." Poetry Market Ezine posted a review of "No Known Address," his poetic response to the Holocaust. Kansas Authors Club Yearbook published his short story: "Finding Sister Ad," about a family's attempt to find an enslaved sister who had been sold off before the Civil War. Spillwords posted his poem: "Bones Waiting." Cadence (an anthology) published four poems of his while Fevers of the Mind posted five. Additional work was accepted for future publication. So that makes a total of 14 poems published in some way, plus a very short, short story, and one book review. It was a good month. Pre-order is now possible for Duane L Herrmann's ninth book of poetry. Release date in 9 Aug 2024. The link is: https://bit.ly/4ck9Q8O If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Duane L Herrmann submits the following writing news:
One short story, "Missing Mother," posted on Masticadores USA, and six poems: "One Special Day" with The Wise Owl, "Delicate Operation" in the first issue of Baubles from Bones, "Dad Said" and "Surprise Connection" as responses to prompts with Adirondack Center for Writing, and "Listen To" and "The Way" reprinted in The Harnisch Acres. I also finished proofing pages for my next book of poetry. Congratulations, Duane! Carrot Ranch posted my response to two prompts, Adirondack Center for Writing posted three. One poem (Luna One) was published in The Write Bridge: Solitude and Solidarity, and another (Abandon Houses) was posted on Spillwords.com. Lothlorian Poetry Journal, print vol 31 – 5 poems, The Wise Owl 1 poem (Full Surprise) in the April issue and (One Special Day) in May, plus podcasts of each of those poems. Lothlorian Poetry Journal – short story: 'Felix and Ahmed: Conquaerere and Educare.' And, today (3 May) MasticadoresUSA posted my short story: Missing Mother.
With much appreciation to our authors, artists, and readers we invite you to celebrate the publication of
THE WRITE BRIDGE JOURNAL: 2024 edition. Enjoy refreshments, great speakers & A GOOD TIME! SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 20243:30 - 6:30 PM WATKINS MUSEUM, LAWRENCE, KANSAS Find Out More SELECT ARTICLES, POEMS, SHORT STORIES, PLAYS AND ARTWORK FROM AUTHORS AND ARTISTS WITH POWERFUL VOICES The Write Bridge presents two opposing ideas for creators and readers to delve into—seriously or in fun—in order stretch our imaginations, to move beyond boundaries, to bridge the gap. RNAL TOPIC: SOLITUDE and SOLIDARITYPUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 17, 202 AVAILABLE NOW HERE! CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS & ARTISTS: *denotes KAC member Barry Barnes Vern Barnet Shelley Watts Barnhill Stephanie A. Barrows *Lindsey Bartlett *Julie Ann Baker Brin Patricia Cleveland *Ian Cook Louis Copt *Brian Daldorph *Anamarie Davis-Wilkins *Thaddeus Dugan Heather Duris *Gretchen Cassel Eick Andrew Evans *Robert Fraga *Amber Fraley *Beth Gulley *George Gurley *Duane L. Herrmann *D.A. Irsik *Kelly W. Johnston Kathleen Kaska Julia Mathias Manglitz Cathy Martin J.A. McGovern *Ronda Miller *Peg Nichols *Kevin Rabas John Ritchie *Troy Robinson BruDe Rolfe *Mark Scheel *Diane Silver Garold Sneegas *Lori Stratton *Connlyn Synclair *Chuck Warner *Barbara Waterman Peters *Brenda White February 2024: An interview was posted on Spillwords.com where I answered questions about my writing. Carrot Ranch and the Adirondack Center for Writing posted four of my responses to their weekly writing prompts. Poetry Super Highway posted my poem: 'Grass Knows,' along with my designation of Poet of the Week for Feb. 12-18. MasticadoresUSA posted, 'Original Homestead,' an account of my trip last summer to find my great grandfather's homestead in South Dakota, the very last paragraph of which mentions the Baha'i position on agriculature being the basis of civilization. All during the month, in a dozen towns across northeast Kansas, in various public places, free copies were available of the February issue of Kaw Valley Senior Monthly, with the headline on the cover that I research history of the Baha'i Faith in Kansas. https://seniormonthly.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SeniorMonthly-February2024.pdf Congratulations, Duane!
Member, Duane L. Herrmann, submits the following publications in January:
Reiter's Block, Stick Figure Poetry, and Zona i Nari (Croatia) posted/published a total of seven poems. Adirondack Center for Writing and Carrot Ranch posted/published three responses to prompts. I Write Her posted/published six pieces of flash fiction, one of which was partially re-posted by Vixen of Verse (England) One article, in English and in Afrikaans, was posted/published in South Africa. And one fictional story was posted/published by: MasticadoresUSA Congratulations, Duane! Herrmann's accomplishments in November 2023:
Congratulations, Duane! If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. In October 2023, three prose pieces and one poem by Duane L Herrmann were posted by Adirondack Center for Writing in response to their weekly writing prompts. Carrot Ranch blog posted three of his 99-word stories in response to their weekly writing prompts. Eight poems of his were posted/published in three publications:
Plus, one poem, Flames in Green, in the anthology, Poetry of the Wild Flowers, from Tiny Seed, that had been posted eariler on their site. He discovered a balance to all that. Since January 2010, he received at least 1,360 rejections of his literary submissions (most consisting of more than one piece), some pieces rejected by more than one publisher, some rejected then accepted by a different publisher (sometimes even in the same week!). September totals for Duane L Herrmann include:
If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. On Wed, Aug 16, at 6:15 p.m. beginning the monthly open mic, Words on the Wind, sponsored by KAC - District 1, at Round Table Bookstore, 826 N. Kansas, in Topeka, will be a brief launch of Duane L Herrmann's three most recent collections of poetry. The newest title is: I Sing of Open Spaces. The others are: Zephyrs of the Heart and No Known Address. The last is his response to the Holocaust and the personal connection of his Great Grandfather's hometown in Bavaria.
Two sites this month posted my responses to their writing prompts: - Carrot Ranch - 5 - ACW - 3 One poem each in: - children, churches and daddies, June 2023 issue - Gardan Jnl #8 - Spillwords - German Poems - Haron Clan X Three short stories in: - From All Over the Map, an anthology of work from members of Kansas Authors Club, District One and an article, in English and Spanish, about how a person who writes is evidence of the existance of God, at Baha'iTeachings.org Plus, news just now that my short story: 'Light Man' has been accepted for publication on August 9, at 4:00am CST, which then (but not before then) can be accessed with this link: https://masticadoresusa.wordpress.com/2023/08/09/light-man-by-duane-l-herrmann/ If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. District 1 member, Duane L. Herrmann, had the following accepted or published in May 2023
If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. a note from Duane L. Herrmann Adirondack Center for Writing and Carrot Ranch both posted three of my responses to their weekly prompts, with ACW also including one of my poems in their Poem Village: 2023. Poetry Super Highway included a poem in their Holocaust rememberance collection for this year. Literary Yard posted five poems and Five Flease posted two. Tiny Seed Literary Journal released their anthology: Plant Your Words with one of my poems in it.
How to Submit News:
If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Categories
January 2025