Two KAC D5 members, Roy Beckemeyer and Robert L Dean, Jr., have had poems nominated for the 48th Annual Pushcart Award by MacQueen's Quinterly. The poems are: "Megarhyssa" by Roy J. Beckemeyer, and "Cruel and Unusual" by Robert L. Dean, Jr. CONGRATULATIONS!![]() If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s poem "Cruel and Unusual" has been nominated for the 48th annual Pushcart Prize by Clare MacQueen. The poem appeared in issue 14, August 2022, of MacQueen's Quinterly, and can be accessed from the link given here. This is Bob's second Pushcart nomination, the first also being by Clare from Fall 2019 issue of KYSO Flash, also accessible at the link given here. Fellow D5 member Roy J. Beckemeyer has also been nominated and his poem "Megarhyssa" can be accessed here also. Click on the poem titles to access them. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr. has a poem in the new Fall 2022 issue of the online October Hill Magazine, poem titled "A Thousand Ships." OHM has published Bob frequently over the past few years. The issue can be accessed by the accompanying link, and Bob's poem appears on page 100, scroll down to read it. The issue can be downloaded as a pdf. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two poems in the Summer/Fall issue of I-70 Review, co-edited by Maryfrances Wagner, Greg Field, and Gary Lechliter. Bob's poems are: "The Last Window On The World," and "What I Hear When I Do Not Listen." This is Bob's sixth consecutive year appearing in I-70 Review. He will be reading the works at the I-70 Review ZOOM reading on November 12th.
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two poems in this year's issue of Thorny Locust magazine, which came out recently. Thorny Locust is an annual print magazine published out of Kansas City, Missouri. The titles of Bob's poems are: "Mister Mystery," and "Mrs. Grundy Sheds A Tear." This is Bob's second consecutive year in Thorny Locust.
Deans fine poems may be read on the D5 webpage. Clare MacQueen of MacQueen's Quinterly has nominated two D5 members for the 2023 Best of the Net anthology (Sundress Publications): Roy J. Beckemeyer for his poem "Opening Shutters" and Robert L. Dean, Jr. for his flash fiction story "Napalm Girl and the Boy Next Door." You can access both pieces from the nomination list linked to here: MacQueen’s Quinterly: Anthology Awards: Nominations for Best of the Net 2023
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s, chapbook, "Pulp," is finally out. It's available at the usual online places, listed below, as well as via FB msg or email to the author. Anyone who has pre-ordered (bob thanks you!) should be receiving it their copies within the next couple of weeks (press date was July 8th). The author's name is not listed consistently in all the places, hence the links. "Pulp" can be purchased via the following places: (put in your zip code to find the nearest indie bookstore at which you can order a copy. This is Bob’s favored method as it supports indie bookstores. It can be ordered at Watermark in Wichita and Crow & Co. in Hutch, for example): Pulp | And still can be ordered from the publisher: Pulp by Robert L. Dean, Jr. – Finishing Line Press D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two new poems in the spring issue of Suisun Valley Review, published by Solano Community College in California. The issue came out in May but Bob just received the photos over the weekend. It's a print mag, so no online link to the issue. Photos of each poem appear below.
Dean also has 5 poems in the new 365 Days: A Poetry Anthology, Vol. 4, edited by James Benger and Dan Pohl. This is also a print publication. Copies can be purchased by clicking the button below or on Amazon. All profits go to a charity based in Kansas City. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is one of the "and friends" readers at the Shiela-Na-Gig Presents reading (featuring Barbara Costas-Biggs) on Thursday, June 30th at 7 PM Central Time via Zoom. All of the selected readers were chosen from the Summer 2022 issue of Shiela-Na-Gig Online, of which Dean is one. Advance registration is required for the Zoom link. Details and registration can be found here:
Finishing Line Press has extended the pre-order period for D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s forthcoming chapbook, "Pulp," featuring cover art by Martha Wherry, up until the press date, which is July 8th, 2022. Those of you who have already ordered, thank you! Those who haven't, now is the time to do so, in order to insure the book gets connected up with Ingram Book Group for distribution. Book orders will ship at the time of printing (about July 8th). Multiple copies ordered receive a shipping discount. The poems in the collection try to capture a bit of the sensibility of the old pulp mags from the 1920s-1960s, like "Black Mask," "Spicy Detective," etc. The title poem is about the inventor of the process of making paper from wood pulp, Cai Lun, a first century C.E. Chinese inventor, who Martha has depicted on the cover, apparently looking at things to come. Dean is always looking to try something different, and this one was fun to put together! Link to order is here: D5 membrs Robert L. Dean, Jr., Roy Beckemeyer, and Skyler Lovelace have ekphrastic poems in the latest edition of MacQueens Quinterly. Dean has an ekphrastic poem to a painting by Edward Hopper, to which a link is given below. His craft essay on ekphrastic writing can be found in the table of contents. You can view the painting for each by clicking the link below the poem. Enjoy the work of these talented KAC members by clicking on the links below.
“Home Is the Sailor” by Dean “Finding the Door: One Writer’s Approach to Ekphrasis” craft essay by Dean “Piatt Street, 1965” by Dean and Lovelace. “Insurrection” by Beckemeyer “Letters From Vincent” by Beckemeyer D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is one of the featured readers at SpoFest Poetry and Prose on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, beginning at 6PM Central, on Zoom; the link to register is given below. The other features are Audrey Friedman and Keith Kopka, with special guest author JL Mathews. Dean will be reading mostly from the manuscript for his forthcoming chapbook "Pulp," with Finishing Line Press. There is also an open mic during the event, so be sure to have something of your own handy to read in that segment. SpoFest is produced by James Bryant out of Sedalia, MO. The link to the Face Book event page, where you can register for the Zoom link, is here:
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is one of three featured authors at the Riverfront Readings series on Friday, April 8th, 2022, 8-9 PM, via Zoom. The other two readers are Cathleen & Tim Bascom. The Riverfront Readings are held monthly and are based in Kansas City, Missouri. The readings normally take place at The Writers Place, but have been Zooms since the pandemic started. This should be an enjoyable evening. Further details, and the link to register for the Zoom link, are found here:
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr, will be reading at the 17th Annual Scissortail Creative Writing Festival on the campus of East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. The festival runs from March 31st through April 2nd and features about 70 readers from all across the country. Dean reads at 2:15 PM on Friday, April 1st in the Estep Auditorium. The festival is free and open to all. Ada is about a four hour drive south from Wichita. This is Dean's third consecutive time reading at Scissortail (He read in 2018 & 2019; 2020 & 2021 were cancelled due to Covid). Dean will also be participating in a Zoom reading put on by Sheila-Na-Gig online. The reading is on Sunday, April 3rd, starting at 7 PM Central Time. The featured reader is Millicent Borges Accardi, after which there is a closed list group of open mic readers solicited by invitation which includes Dean. Dean has been published at least three times by Sheila-Na-Gig online. Anyone can attend this Zoom reading, but you must register beforehand. The link to the event page, which has the Zoom registration link is below.
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s chapbook Pulp with Finishing Line Press, will go to press on July 8th. Pre-orders for the book are being taken now through May 17th at the Finishing Line Press website. The direct link to Dean's book is given below. D5 member Martha Wherry did the cover art, and did a great job. The book takes its impetus from the old "pulp" magazines, such as True Crime, True Romance, etc., and the invention of paper made from pulp by the first century CE Chinese inventor Cai Lun. Read the blurbs at the site to get more feel for the book. Pre-orders are greatly encouraged. For any questions about pre-ordering, please contact Robert Dean either via email at: [email protected] or message him on Face Book. Dean has two full-length poetry books out; this is the first time Dean has done a chapbook.
![]() What an honor for our very own Robert L. Dean, Jr. (D5) to be reading at the Oceanside (NY) Library poetry event on Monday, February 7th at 6 PM (central). They will be featuring Robert and a poet from New York. After the poets read their works, an open mic will be available for other poets. All who attend can read one non-epic-length poem (or up to 3 haiku). Registration is not required. The Zoom link is below. ![]() D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two reading events coming up. First, on Monday, February 7th, Dean will be reading on Zoom for the Oceanside (NY) Public Library's Poetry Near and Afar series, as the "Afar" poet. The "Near" poet is Dean's good friend J.R. Judy Turek of Long Island, NY. Moderator of this event is Tony Iovino of the Oceanside (NY) Public Library. The Zoom begins at 6 PM Central, and there is an open mic after the two features, so come prepared to read a poem in one of the best poetry Zooms going. The link to access the Zoom will be posted when it becomes available. Second, Dean has been accepted as a reader at the 17th annual Scissortail Creative Writing Festival, taking place from Thursday, March 31st through Saturday, April 2nd, on the campus of East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. Dean reads on Friday, April 1st, at 2:15 PM. He has been fortunate enough to attend this festival since 2018, except for pandemic cancellations. The festival is free to all, and is the biggest all-reading festival in this region of the country. Check the link here for complete information. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a poem, titled "Rescue," in October Hill Magazine, Winter 2021, Volume 5, Issue 4. The link below will open the entire issue. "Rescue" is on printed page 94 (see Table of Contents). Or you can read it below. Robert L. Dean, Jr. and Roy Beckemeyer have poems in McQueen's Quinterly January 2022 issue. Enjoy Dean's poems "Just East of Midnight" and "Light Speed" by clicking on the button below. Beckemeyer's poems "Hummingbirds" and "Starlings: Ode to Murmuration" can be accessed by clicking the second button. Check out the work of these two fine poets.
Please join D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., as co-host for SpoFest on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, at 6 PM, with featured readers Patrice Melnick, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, and Alise Versalla, as well as MINE HOST James Bryant, and Eye in the Sky Rick C. Christiansen.
There will be an open mic after the feature program, so have something ready to read. Information on how to attend, either by Zoom, or Face Book Live, and more on the event itself are below. I recommend Zoom if you have it (you can download a free version if you don't). James Bryant has managed to create a wonderful poetry community with SpoFest, based out of Sedalia, MO. You'll meet folks from all over the country (and a few from around the world). Added bonus (or not?): a drawing for a signed copy of my book "At the Lake with Heisenberg." I hope you'll join us. Log in or sign up to view If you are not on Face Book and can't view the Face Book event page, here is the link to register to get the Zoom link sent to you: D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two new poems published, in two online journals. The first is "Baby Blues Birds," published in MacQueen's Quinterly, Issue 10, Oct 2021. The second is "What We Found After," published in October Hill Magazine, Fall 2021, Volume 5, Issue 3. Links to each are given below. Dean has appeared in every issue of MacQueen's Quinterly to date, and this is his third appearance in October Hill Magazine. The link to "Baby Blues Birds" is directly to the poem; the link to "What We Found After" is to a pdf of the issue; Dean's poem, as mentioned in the table of contents, is on (printed) page 100. Be sure to check out all of both issues for your fine reading pleasure.
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr. has a poem titled "Dead Reckoning" in the new issue of MockingHeart Review.
MockingHeart Review is edited by Tyler Robert Sheldon (D2). Check Dean's poem out here: Robert L. Dean, Jr. Dean will be reading at the Chikaskia Literary Festival, which occurs on October 8th & 9th on the Northern Oklahoma College Tonkawa (OK) campus. Dean has been a regular reader at Chikaskia every year beginning with 2018. Unfortunately the KAC convention is scheduled for that same weekend this year, so Dean had to make a tough choice. Normally these two events do not happen on the same weekend. Bob hopes the convention goes well, and hopes the stars will align more favorably next year. |
How to Submit News:
If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Categories
February 2025