D5 Member Robert L. Dean, Jr., read his poem "This Floating Life" for the VALA Gallery's Convergence Project. a series of daily video posts through the month of September. Dean including an appeal for Poets4Haiti.com in his video, with instructions on how to help. The link for Poets4Haiti.com is also given below. Invites you to join us at Poetry Street on the Road ZOOM Saturday, August 28, 2021 from 4:00-6:00 PM (EST) Bring your poem or a poem you love featuring Barbara Ann Branca, Robert L. Dean Jr., and Ariana McLean Followed by an open mic Hosted by Chip Williford and Maggie Bloomfield Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82706480446
Donations through VENMO The reading will be recorded and available on our website poetrystreetontheroad.com [email protected] to sign up early Barbara Ann Branca has read original works from her chapbook FLASH FLOOD on National Public Radio, at venues throughout New York City and Long Island. Her work has been lauded at the Southampton Writers Conference and appears in numerous anthologies. As a science author and jazz singer, her work is creative nonfiction based on her lifelong passions for music, the environment and social history. Robert L. Dean, Jr. is the author of The Aerialist Will not be Performing (Turning Plow Press, 2020), and At the Lake with Heisenberg (Spartan Press, 2018). A multiple Best of the Net nominee and Pushcart nominee, Dean’s work has appeared in numerous literary journals. He is Event Coordinator for Epistrophy: An Afternoon of Poetry and Improvised Music, which takes place annually in Wichita, Kansas. He lives in Augusta, Kansas. Ariana McLean is native of the DMV (the DC, Maryland and Virginia area) but can probably call herself a New Yorker now, having lived in Brooklyn for ten years. She is a freelancer in TV, film and live events production, and teaches creative writing to undergraduates. She is currently working toward an MFA degree at Stony Brook University, where she’s relishing in writing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Ariana lives in Bushwick with her husband and pet rabbit. Please join D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., for a reading at The Writers Place (KC, MO) on Friday, August 20th, at 7 PM, via Zoom along with Melissa Fite Johnson and Jemshed Kahn. Register by clicking on the button below.
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a poem and a flash fiction in the new issue of MacQueen's Quinterly, which came out on the 15th. Link to the poem, "This Floating Life," is here: MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: This Floating Life. This is the link to the flash fiction by Dean, "Napalm Girl and the Boy Next Door," which was a finalist for Editor's Choice award in this issue.
D5 member Roy Beckemeyer also has two poems in this issue -- Shores and Symphony Below the Threshold of Hearing. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr. has a poem in the new issue of Flint Hills Review, poem titled "Number of the Beast." The journal also features an entry by Boyd Bauman of District 2. Kevin Rabas (D2) is a consulting editor of the publication and layout and design of the publication was completed by Linzi Garcia (D2). D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a poem titled "Firekeeper" in the new issue of the print magazine "Thorny Locust," published out of Kansas City, MO, Silvia Kofler, editor.
Other members featured in this issue include: Brian Daldorph (D2) Beth Gulley (D2) Kevin Rabas (D2) Tyler Robert Sheldon (D2) Maryfrances Wagner (D2) D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., will be a featured reader at the Oceanside Public Library Poetry Series via Zoom on Tuesday, July 20th, 2021, beginning at 6 PM Central time (7 PM Eastern), along with New Jersey poet Michael A. Griffith. Details in the attached flyer, and the Zoom link below. Dean has been attending this group over the summer and the poets are terrific and very welcoming:
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/95426731760 Meeting ID: 954 2673 1760 D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a prose poem titled "Spacemen" in the new June issue of MacQueen's Quinterly. "Spacemen" originally appeared in Flint Hills Review and is collected in Dean's book "At the Lake With Heisenberg." Clare MacQueen graciously asked to reprint the piece for her June issue. A link to the poem appears here: MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Spacemen
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 AT 7 PM CDT Turning Plow Press Reading D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., is joining two Oklahoma poets, Don Stinson and Hank Jones, for the first Turning Plow Press reading. Dean, Stinson & Jones are the first authors published by the new indie press Turning Plow Press, based in Ringwood, Ok, and founded by Paul Bowers. Join us for a sampling of what this new press has to offer. This reading was rescheduled from its original date in May. The link to the Face Book event page is below. From the event page, click on the registration link to receive the Zoom link for the reading, and please be sure to check "going." We hope to see you there! Turning Plow Press Reading If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a poem in the new issue of Sheila-Na-Gig online. Check it out here, and be sure to browse the rest of the issue. This is Dean's first attempt with this publication, and he encourages all poets to try them. He says the editor, Hayley Mitchell Haugen, is a joy to work with. If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., will be one of four featured readers at the SpoFest poetry reading on Tuesday, April 20th, beginning at 7 PM CDT. Robert will be reading from his latest book, "The Aerialist will not be Performing" as well as showing the accompanying art by Steven Schroeder. From the Face Book event page link below, check "Going," click on "see more" (if needed) and then on the Zoom request link to register. You will receive the Zoom link after you register. There is also a Face Book live stream; however, if you register for Zoom, you can also enter the book drawing to win a book by the co-host. Robert hopes to see many familiar faces in the Zoom crowd on the 20th. This is a bi-monthly event, happening the first and third Tuesdays every month, with an open mic event on the fourth Tuesday of each month. SpoFest is hosted by James Bryant, out of Sedalia, Missouri. Poets from all over the country read at this event, so tune in and hear someone new as well!
SpoFest Open Mic Poetry and Prose KAC D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr. has a poem in the new issue of MacQueen's Quinterly, issue #7, March 2021. The poem is titled "Borrowed Time." Dean has been in every issue of MacQueen's Quinterly to date. A link to the poem page is included here:
MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Borrowed Time D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., received notification from Finishing Line Press that they have accepted his chapbook manuscript, "Pulp," for publication. Though Robert has two full-length books out, this will be his first chapbook. More details as they become available. If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s poem "The Tear" just came out in the new issue of October Hill Magazine. A link to the magazine's issue archives is provided below. The new issue is OHM Winter 2020, Volume 4, Issue 4. You can either 1: click on the image of the issue cover, which will open up the issue, or 2: click on "New! Digital Download," which is a much better way to open the issue; it will not download to your computer but open as a pdf, you have to click on the download icon after the issue opens to download the issue to your computer. Dean's poem "The Tear" is the last item in the issue, on page 164. A beautiful online magazine, and very nice folks. This is Dean's second appearance in October Hill Magazine. Link: October Hill Magazine Archives
D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s poem "Cloudy with a Chance of Miracles," from Dean's latest book, The Aerialist Will Not Be Performing, was featured Sunday, January 10th, on Ken Hada's podcast "The Sunday Poems with Ken Hada." It is part of Episode #120. This is the Second Sunday in a row Ken has read from Dean's recent book. Ken also reads one of his own poems, "What We Have Lost," and briefly reflects on the events from Wednesday, January 6th. The podcast can be found anywhere podcasts are broadcast, and also at the link to Ken's website here:
Episode 120: Loss & A Chance of Miracles by The Sunday Poems with Ken Hada • A podcast on Anchor Poetry written by D5 Members, Roy Beckemeyer and Robert L. Dean, Jr., appear in MacQueen's Quinterly, Issue 6, January 2021. Roy has two poems, one of which won the Editor's Choice Award, and Bob has one poem.
Bob's poem "Borderland" is under Ekphrastic Works. To see the image which inspired it, go to the website and click on the title of the photo by Chris Whitney which appears under the poem title. Roy's two poems, "Prothalamion" and "The Way Night's Lapidary Light Burnishes Your Skin," are under Poems, Lineated. Roy's latter poem won the Editor's Choice Award for this issue. Click below for the MacQueen Quinterly Table of Contents to read the poetry of these two talented D5 poets. MacQueen's Quinterly Issue 6 This Sunday, January 3rd, 2021, poet and ECU professor Ken Hada will be reading D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s poem "Aftermath," from Dean's latest book, The Aerialist Will Not Be Performing, as part of his Sunday Poems With Ken Hada podcast series. It is episode #119. The podcast can be heard Sunday afternoon on Ken's website or anywhere podcasts are hosted.
Ken has previously featured Wichita poets Roy Beckemeyer, Michael Poage, and Robert L. Dean, Jr., in episode #52. Robert L. Dean, Jr.'s poem "Along This Road" was read in Episode #80. Ken presented at a D5 meetings in 2019 from a book he wrote with his brother, The River White. This link takes you to Ken's podcast. Sunday Poems With Ken Hada Check out Ken's quality poem podcasts every Sunday. Visit his website to learn more about him. www.kenhada.org D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has a new poem, "The Caress," which came out October 15th in the new issue of the online magazine "October Hill Magazine." This is the first time Dean has submitted to this publication; two of the three works submitted were accepted, with one being held back for a future issue. This is a truly gorgeous online magazine, laid out like a print magazine. To access Dean's poem, click on the link below, which is the "Archives" page of the website. Select OHM Fall 2020, Volume 4, Issue 3, labeled "New," and either click on the cover photo, which will open the entire issue in your browser, or click on "download" to download a pdf file of the entire issue. Dean's poem "The Caress" appears on page 164 in the issue, you can scroll down to it. October Hill Magazine also publishes a lot of fiction and some book reviews. Read the "Welcome" pages at the front of the issue for more info about this publication. The online pdf is free to download. Both poets and fiction writers should seriously consider this fine publication! You can find more info about October Hill from the menu at the top of the "Archives" page. They plan to start a print version at some point. The link:
October Hill Magazine Archives The new issue of I-70 Review (issue date September 28, 2020) has pieces by several Kansas Authors Club members. Congratulations to: Boyd Bauman (D2) Robert L. Dean, Jr. (D5) Kelly Johnston (D5) Denise Low (D2) Kevin Rabas (D2) If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. D5 member Robert L. Dean, Jr., has two poems and a CNF piece in the new issue of MacQueen's Quinterly. Two of the works are ekphrastic, and in her intro Clare MacQueen refers to Dean as one of "my favorite masters of ekphrasis." Links: MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Eyes on You MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Impresssion MacQueen’s Quinterly: Poetry & Hybrids: Robert L. Dean, Jr.: Doppelgänger If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. |
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If you have news of writing events that would be of interest to all Kansas Authors Club members, or if you are a member (dues current) who would like to announce an achievement, please submit your news via this form. Categories
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