Duane has been a District 1 KAC member for years and is one of the most prolific writers in the state. His poems and prose have been featured in numerous national and international publications. He has even written and published two family memoirs.
As a convention workshop presenter, Duane will show participants how to peel away their own layers of memory through journal writing…writing that heals. Anyone who is seeking help with past traumas or trouble can find the same transformation and forgiveness through writing that Duane Herrmann has discovered. And that could and should ultimately lead to a memoir that will be a star to help guide others.

On Friday, August 28, members of the District 1 Kansas Authors Club, hosts for the 2021 State Writing Conference and Convention scheduled for October 9 and 10 at the Ramada Inn in Topeka announced a switch from an in-person event to a virtual one.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we shift to Plan B for the convention. We promise that it will still contain the same motivational and informative workshops and speakers. It will perhaps be even more intimate in the webinar setting, as no one will have to strain to see or hear speakers. You’ll be able to look into their eyes and feel like you’re sitting in the same room with them. And, actually, you will be… in the same zoom room!
We look forward to seeing you in October on Zoom!
View convention details on this page: 2021 Convention
Registration deadline: October 7, 2021