Merit Award for Service to the Club
October 22, 2022
Nominated by Tracy Million Simmons, D2 (Emporia)
When 2020 stopped our in-person meetings, Connie made no excuses. She got right to work finding a way to continue D5 meetings virtually. Connie never used fear of technology as an excuse. She signed up D5 for its first Zoom account and took the attitude of "I've got to learn these things," and learn she did.
Connie also served as a member of the restructuring committee, always with an eye to the future of our organization.
Connie has published children's books and a fascinating book called It's All Show Business, a story she collected while caring for a man named Lee in her profession as a nurse. Connie also works as a editor for hire.
I nominate Connie Rae White for a merit award for service to the Kansas Authors Club.
-Tracy Million Simmons, D2 Member (Emporia)