A: If you have looked at the 2022 Convention schedule, you may have noticed that Friday evening is capped off with a "Read-athon." New and returning members may be wondering what a Read-athon is.
Simply put, the Read-athon will be open for all convention attendees and a sign-up sheet will be available at registration.
We are calling it a Read-athon (rather than a Read-Around) this year because we want to make sure as many attendees as possible have the opportunity to participate.
On the schedule you will notice that we have declared "1 poem or 1 prose page (no exceptions)."
If you are a prose writer, we will ask that you only read one standard page of text (12 point font, double-spaced). 250 words is your ballpark.
If you are a poet, you may only read one poem. The one-page rule also applies to poetry. If you choose to read haiku, make those three lines count!
Our goal is to make this event quick and fun and keep it moving!