Antonio, an inspiration to all of us who knew and loved him, died in March 2021 at the age of 44.
Antonio Sanchez-Day (#63803)
Life means various things to different people. Life means
something different to me now than it did 5, 10, 15 years ago . . .
Today, life to me is first and foremost a gift. This very
day, this very moment as I write these words is a gift, a blessing
given to me by my creator. A gift that is to be cherished and treated
with love, and kindness.
I view life today as something new, so the wonder of life is always present.
I create in my life with joy and abandon, without concern for what
others think about my creation. Today I know I have
the choice of creating hell in my life, or creating beauty and
peace. I wake up and am stunned by the beauty of the day be it
rain, snow, or sunshine. I drink the morning water, life itself and
give thanks. I view the given day as a challenge and an opportunity.
A challenge to face whatever situations present themselves to me.
Challenges are neither good nor bad, neither a curse nor
blessing. They are only what we make of them, depending on what
meaning we assign them. The assigned meaning does not alter
the content of the situation. Our perception gives the assigned meaning.
Today I choose to view all challenges as an opportunity. An opportunity
to be impeccable. To act to the very best of my ability upon
whatever knowledge happens to be available to me at any given
moment. To live this life with the knowledge that every
moment, every act matters. To understand that to believe I have
all the time in the world is not only foolish, but also takes
away from the appreciation of life. Today I savor life to
the fullest, and enjoy every moment of this precious time
on this red road. Today I don’t need anything or want
for nothing but to be happy and to live an impeccable life.
Needing and wanting to have something is just an expression
of the egotistical desires of my mind’s programming and has
nothing to do with my spiritual path.
Today my life is the expression of the beauty of my
spirit and the Great Spirit. I was once told that life is nothing but a
dream, and if I create my life with love, my dream will
become a masterpiece of art. This is the power of life.
The power of life is inside all of us.