Please take a moment to submit your nominations for Awards of Merit. The deadline is July 1, 2019. Details (and nominating form) are on the 3rd to last page of your 2019 yearbook, or you can submit as detailed below.
Please give careful consideration to your reasons why the nominee is worthy of an award and list them below. If this person is to be considered for the achievement in writing award, then please list publications of the person’s writing, either published and/or self-published. For the service award, list what services were done both on the district and state level, how long the person held an office, etc. For the special accomplishment award, list when, where, and what this was, and describe the accomplishment. You may add more details on attached pages. Contact the Awards Chair if you have questions. Nominations may be made by any individual member of the Kansas Authors Club, by a group or a district.
I nominate (full name) ________________________________
District ____
for an award in (circle one) Service, Achievement, or Special Accomplishment.
The reasons I feel this person is worthy of this award are:
Nominated by: ____________________
Send completed form to:
Diane Wahto
KAC Awards Chair
1912 Park Place
Wichita, KS 67203
or email.