You are Invited to ATtend
Please join us on November 19, 2022
Third Saturday of the Month
10:30 am-12:00 pm
Flinthills Tech College
3301 W. 18th Ave
Emporia, Ks
Live or Zoom meeting
Jerilynn finds her inspiration in the rolling hills of East Central Kansas. No matter the subject of a current work, she is motivated by the people, history, and changing seasons of this place.
As a student of history and language, she enjoys traveling to beautiful places. But ultimately, she finds the greatest joy in travel is coming home.
We have so many opportunities to participate and support other authors.
Other News to share:
- We had a wonderful convention full of learning and growing in our craft.
- We encourage you to go to the KAC website and watch the slideshow and read about the contest winners.
- Also, check out the new members and all of the new writings of our members.
- Remember to find new information and events in your area news and on our Facebook page!
Happy Writing!
Deb Irsik
District 2 Co-Chair