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ISBN: 978-1-7369112-7-3 (paper)
ISBN: 978-1-7369112-8-0 (ebook)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022930901

Richard and Keisha by 2019 are parents of two teens, professors living happily together until everything changes with an act of random violence, plunging their family into disfunction and despair. Extended family may not be enough to pull them through their grief. But DNA discovery of another branch of the family tree may at least distract them and lead them into the darkness of Philadelphia's attack on the MOVE community and another family murder. Aug. '22
ISBN: 978-1-958728-01-7 (paper) $20
ISBN: 978-1-958728-00-0 (ebook) $6.99
Library of Congress LCCN: 2022940932

Black and white young people meet in Mississippi in the Freedom Summer of 1964 to register voters and form the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party forging relationships that resume in 2003 through a series of coincidences that bring them and their children together. A novel about families lost and found, social change fought for and glimpsed, and generational differences that test understandings of commitment. Sept. '22
ISBN: 9781958728024 (paper) $18
ISBN: 978-1-958728-05-5 (epub) $5.99
LCCN: 2022945367

ISBN: 978-1-958728-04-8 (paper) $20
ISBN: 978-1-958728-03-1 (ebook) $6.99
LCCN: 2022945368
ISBN: 978-1-958728-06-2 (paper) $10
ISBN: 978-1-958728-07-9 (ebook) $4.99
LCCN: 2022947139