- Membership Awards
- Election of 2024 Officers
- 2024 Program Plans
Zoom link was sent to all current members via email.
2022 Kansas Authors Club Annual Membership Meeting
Lawrence, Kansas
Saturday, October 22, 2022
KAC president Tracy Million Simmons called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. There were 55 members in attendance in person, and 6 attending virtually.
The current elected officers were introduced, and appreciation was extended to them.
Awards were announced by Anne Shiever for members with continuous, active membership:
10-year Raj Bajaj
Jerilynn Henrikson
H. John Sanders
15-year Judy Keller Hatteberg
Joan Breit
Hazel Hart
Sally Jadlow
20-year Barbara Brady
Tom Mach
40-year Doris Schroeder
In addition, Anne Shiever announced Octogenarian awards for Connie Rae White and Marilyn Hope Lake.
Curtis Becker, Gretchen Eick, and Connie White received service awards. Maureen Carroll received recognition for achievement in writing.
It was announced that KAC added 22 new members over the past year. Maureen Carroll recruited 5 of those single-handedly. New members were warmly welcomed.
Minutes from the 2021 General Membership meeting were made available on the KAC website and through yearbooks placed on each table. They were approved as read.
KAC “Transitional Bylaws,” in place over the past year, were reviewed briefly. The new position of KAC Manager was reviewed, with plans to separate the manager position from the position as KAC president; expected hours of employment were updated. The recommended changes to both the bylaws and the manager position had been made available in advance via the KAC website. A motion was made and seconded to approve those changes, and they were approved unanimously by voice vote. The new bylaws are now in place.
The candidates for elected offices for 2023 were introduced.
President: Kristine Polansky
Vice President: Anne Spry
Secretary: Ann Vigola Anderson
Financial Officer: Chuck Warner
Kris Polansky moved, and Duane Johnson seconded, a motion to accept the proposed 2023 slate of officers. There was no discussion, and the slate was approved by voice vote.
In addition to the elected officers, each of the seven districts will appoint one representative to the Board.
Appointed positions for 2023 include:
Yearbook: open
Newsletter: Curtis Becker
Publicity: open
Poetry Contest Manager: open
Prose Contest Manager: Lindsey Bartlett
Youth Contest Manager: open
Welcome Wagon: Cheryl Unruh
Archivist: Bill Karnowski
Ruth Maus made a motion to adjourn the business meeting; seconded by Barbara Waterman-Peters. Adjourned at 12:51 by unanimous voice vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Callen Molineux, secretary