Ruth Maus, a native of Topeka, Kansas, has followed a love of learning around the world, with languages, curiosity, and an appreciation for all beings a constant thread.
She represented Smith College at the annual Glasscock Intercollegiate Poetry Contest where past contestants have included James Merrill, Sylvia Plath, Katha Pollit, Mary Jo Salter, James Agee, Frederick Buechner, Kenneth Koch, Donald Hall, William Manchester, Muriel Rukeyser, and Gjertrud Schnackenberg. Her poems have appeared in Inscape, Grecourt Review, Lighten Up Online, The Death Book Project, River City Poetry, and Orchards Poetry Journal.
Her poetry book “Valentine” was a finalist in the 2019 Meadowlark Birdy Poetry Prize.
She currently lives in Topeka where she writes poems, novels, and short stories when not teaching her cat amazing tricks with which to bore her friends.
Anyone wishing to join the District 1 zoom meeting at 1 p.m. on April 17 may join at this link.