Sometimes I imagine that we will one day discover her dirty little secret, that she is actually identical twins.
But in this year of the Pandemic, Tracy has outdone even Tracy in utilizing her innovative skills to pioneer two more features that will become welcome and established components of Kansas Author Club from this point forward.
First, she has extended our use of Submittable account, which she pioneered, by utilizing it for convention registration, thus simplifying and streamlining the process.
Second, she has created a virtual book room for KAC members on the website. Not only does this mitigate our inability to have a physical book room for this year’s convention, but it means that KAC members will be able to exhibit and sell their books online not just once a year but 24/7 into the foreseeable future.
And she did this, along with everything else she does, while also playing a key role along with Carol Yoho and Curtis Becker on the Webinar team that, together with this year’s convention committee, made it possible to hold this year’s annual convention.
By the sheer volume of the work she does year in and year out, Tracy would qualify for a special service award every year, but this year it would be a major oversight if we did not recognize her with a Special Award for Particular Accomplishment for her innovative work on convention registration and for creating KAC’s own virtual book room.
Presented by Duane Johnson, 2020 State President