Today, we welcome Robert Cory of Wichita to District 5 and to the Kansas Authors Club.
Robert Cory is a poet, playwright, and novelist who lives in Kansas. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Kansas State University. German language studies at the Benedict Institüt in Düsseldorf, Germany, and study/travel in Germany and Austria through the auspices of the Kansas University Summer Language Institute. Post-graduate work (playwriting) at Wichita State University. He wrote a full-length screenplay, A Hole in the Ocean, for DK Productions in Kansas City, Missouri, and was a contract beta reader of unsolicited manuscripts for Sheed & Ward in KC, MO. His work has appeared in the I-70 Review, Kansas Poems & Poets, Kansas Time + Place, An Anthology of Heartland Poetry (Little Balkans Press 2017), The Eunoia Review, vox poetica, Poets Against War, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, and The Catalonian Review. In 2013, his poem Exodus: revisited was awarded first place in the Kansas Writers Association free verse competition. His play ‘The Truth About Chance’ was performed at The Purple Masque Theatre at Kansas State University and Marymount College in Salina. He’s authored two full-length plays, Char in a Barrel and Confessions of a Las Vegas Cocktail Waitress, that are available at Stageplays.com, and three one-acts. Most recently, he has published three works: Small Worlds - a chapbook of poems, prose, and creative non-fiction / From the Land of Too Little or Too Much - a novel / and They Say the Storm Will Pass - selected Kansas prose, poetry, creative non-fiction, and memoirs. He retired from a 39-year commercial real estate career in 2012.
I took eight years off from retirement to write this novel. I am a grinder. I write like I eat, in my own good time. My wife would tell you that had I been invited to The Last Supper; I would just now be spooning my first bites of dessert. (Good luck trying to find Waltsburg and Ormestrong County on a Kansas road map.)